The Worry Free Writer is the product of over 20 years of experience in teaching composition. Dr. Palmer directs students through the Writing Process, while teaching them a simple Writing Formula that they can use to help take the stress out of writing for academic purposes.
This text is a comprehensive textbook for first year composition, including instruction for standard essays covered in ENG 101, as well as writing the literature based essays typically covered in ENG 102.
In the first part of this text, students learn how to write an analysis, an evaluation, and an argument with step by step instructions. Additionally, the book includes mini-grammar reviews of common writing errors, an introduction to MLA and APA formatting, and a guide for publishing work to the web.
In the second half of the text, students learn how to write about literature, with a step by step guide for writing a poetry analysis, a critical lens analysis of a short story, and a literary comparison between an essay (creative non-fiction) and another piece of literature.