
Book Title: Technological Adaptability: Learning Technology Quickly

Subtitle: Student Handbook with an Instructor’s Guide

Author: Melonie McMichael

Cover image for Technological Adaptability: Learning Technology Quickly

Book Description: Technological adaptability is the ability to learn new technology confidently and without fear. Being adaptable in technical environments is a highly prized skill in today’s workplace. Working through this book will make you more marketable in a job hunt, more valuable to any employer, and more functional in our ever-changing technological world. Technological adaptability is a skill much like math or writing, and just like any other skill, it takes time and practice to master. This workbook will set you on the path to mastering this skill.This book also includes a guide for technology teachers.

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Book Information

Book Description

Technological adaptability is the ability to learn technology quickly and with confidence. We can expect even more need for this skill as we move into a future filled with constantly evolving technology.

This workbook, designed for those uncomfortable with technology, will provide basic technical skills, establishing a solid foundation for the continued growth in technological adaptability.

This workbook provides exercises that build adaptability skills and information on subskills that will assist with developing adaptability. In the end, individuals can expand the technology section of their resumes while building skills for encountering any new technology.


Melonie McMichael





Technological Adaptability: Learning Technology Quickly
Melonie McMichael

CC BY-NC-ND (attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives): Anyone can redistribute the work, but not commercially, so long as the original work is attributed. Remixes and other derivative works are not allowed.

Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Technology: general issues
University of Colorado Colorado Springs