
3 Evaluation in Simulation-Based Education

Evaluation in Simulation-Based Education

by Raquel Bertiz, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE


Learning Objectives

  • Discuss theories and standards of practice in simulation education
  • Analyze current issues of evaluations in simulations
  • Select appropriate evaluation strategies and instruments based on intended purpose of evaluation
  • Apply valid and reliable evaluation tools in simulation education


Palaganas, et al., (2020) define assessment and evaluation in simulation-based education(SBE): assessment is the process of gathering information about a simulation participant, activity or program while evaluation refers to the application of the data collected during the assessment process. Through this reflective practice of generating knowledge (assessment) and applying that knowledge to make decisions (evaluation), we can keep track of how well we are meeting individual, team, and organizational objectives. This is how we communicate to stakeholders (administrators, funders, etc.) about how simulation endeavors contribute to student learning, the bottom line, and the mission of the organization (quoting W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 2017).

The effectiveness of any educational activity, including simulations, need to be evaluated, and this learning module aims to focus on elements of  evaluating simulations, to help simulation educators in planning and implementing evaluation processes of SBE. Palaganas, et al. (2020) list several purposes of evaluation:

  • Helping participants learn and identify what they have learned (or not learned)
  •  Identifying actual or potential problems, including shortfalls in participant learning or gaps in a specific simulation activity or program
  • Assigning participant scores
  • Improving current practices
  • Identifying how well or efficiently intended outcomes were achieved


I. Models/Frameworks for Evaluation of SBE:

Nurse educators efforts towards evaluation in education need to be pedagogically sound. The following are  frameworks used in designing evaluation processes of SBE:

  1. NLN/Jeffries Simulation Theory provides information about what needs to be considered in preparing and delivering simulations, how to develop and deliver the simulation and what to consider for outcomes. It elucidates the roles of the people involved in any simulation experience and points to areas in which outcomes can be measured ( Jeffries, 2022).   This theory is supported by extensive literature and empirical evidence. Read the brief description of this theory.

…..Thinking beyond

How will you plan the evaluation of your simulation education program using the NLN/Jeffries Simulation Theory? What are aspects of the simulation-based education  that you will need to evaluate?

The NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory as a model for evaluation attends to ( Prion and Haerling, 2020).:

  • context ( place and purpose), background ( goals of the simulation, curricular fit and resources),
  • design( learning objectives, fidelity, facilitator responses, participant and observer roles, activity progression, prebriefing and debriefing)
  • simulation experiences ( experiential, interactive, collaborative, learner-centered),
  • facilitator and educational strategies,
  • participant attributes and outcomes ( reaction, learning and behavior).


 2. Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation

Kirkpatrick’s Model had been used as frame for designing different levels of evaluation in simulation education. It is a useful conceptual model for summarizing and analyzing efforts to measure the impact of simulation learning experiences. The  model describes four sequential stages of assessment and evaluation efforts:  Level 1-Reactions; Level 2-Learning; Level 3-Behaviors and Level 4-Results ( Prion and Haerling, 2021).

Watch this one-minute video:


Reflection Questions:

  •  Are evaluations done in your simulation program? If yes, at which level according to the Kirpatrick’s Model?
  • What types of evaluations do we see mostly in current simulation education literature?

Prion and Haerling ( 2020)  summarized the empirical evidence on Evaluation of Simulation Outcomes in this book chapter: Evaluation of Simulation Outcomes

Key Points:

  • Early nursing research about simulation learning experiences focused on Level 1: Reactions. These studies focused on learner and instructor satisfaction, and perceived confidence and competence resulting from the simulation experience.
  • The next attempt on SBE evaluation research focused on Level 2: Learning where researchers attempted to describe the type and amount of learning that resulted from a single or multiple simulation experience. Example: ” Almeir et al. (2006) ” the effect of scenario-based simulation training on nursing students’ clinical skills and competence”.
  • Current literature abounds with Level 3: Behavior where evidence at this level demonstrates that learners can apply and transfer skills and knowledge from simulation, example”  impact of simulation-enhanced patient fall instruction module on beginning nursing students.
  • Demonstrating Level 4: Results and Outcomes as an effect of simulation experience is challenging, an ideal study need to show that simulation based experiences must result in improved patient outcomes in the patient care setting.


3. INACSL Standards of Practice

The INACSL standards of practice in healthcare simulations present several key points, and are mentioned below:

(Read this document for complete details: Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Evaluation of Learning and Performance)

a. Defining terms used in evaluation of learning and performance in simulation:

  • Formative evaluation of the learner is meant to foster development and assist in progression toward achieving objectives or outcomes.
  • Summative evaluation focuses on the measurement of outcomes or achievement of objectives at a discrete moment in time, for example, at the end of a program of study.
  • High-stakes evaluation refers to an assessment that has major implications or consequences based on the result or the outcome, such as merit pay, progression or grades.
    • Note:  Research has identified learning benefits to the observer as a learner in the simulation experience.  If the learner is in an observer role in the SBE, the facilitator may consider evaluating the observer.


b. Elements of Learner Evaluation in SBE:

  • Type of evaluation ( Kirkpatrick’s level; formative versus summative)
  • Timing of the evaluation ( incorporated in simulation design)
  • Use of valid and reliable evaluation tools
  • Training of evaluators
  • completion of the evaluation, interpretation of the results and provision of feedback to the learners

Examining our programs:  In your  simulation program,

  • Is there an evaluation plan for learning and performance?
  • How do we collect data for evaluation? When is data collected? What instruments are used? Do we know the psychometric properties of the instruments we use?
  • What is/are the purposes of SBE evaluation?
  • Are evaluators of simulation trained? How so?
  • How do we use the data that are collected? Data management and analysis? Do we communicate results to students and faculty? Does SBE evaluation data impact curriculum, and other aspects of nursing program implementation?

II. Evaluation Instruments in SBE

The following list/information are taken from Palaganas, et. al ( 2020):

Kirkpatrick’s Levels and types of Instruments

Level I : Reaction Affective: Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (National League for Nursing, 2005) Emergency Response Confidence Tool (Arnold et al., 2009)

Level II:  Cognitive: Multiple choice exam questions such as from the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Psychomotor: Skills checklists (Perry, Potter, & Elkin, 2012)

Multiple domains: Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (Lasater, 2007) Sweeny-Clark Simulation Evaluation Rubric (Clark, 2006) Clinical Simulation Evaluation Tool (Radhakrishnan, Roche, & Cunningham, 2007) DARE2 Patient Safety Rubric (Walshe, O’Brien, Hartigan, Murphy, & Graham, 2014)

Level III: Behavior Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument (Todd, Manz, Hawkins, Parsons, & Hercinger, 2008)- the latest version: Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument

Examples of review articles and instrument websites that may be helpful for identifying possible evaluation instruments include:

• “An Updated Review of Published Simulation Evaluation Instruments,” by Adamson, Kardong-Edgren, and Willhaus, in Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2013)

• “Assessment of Human Patient Simulation-Based Learning,” by Bray, Schwartz, Odegard, Hammer, and Seybert, in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (2011)

• The Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument website at CCEI

• The Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH) website at DASH

• “Human Patient Simulation Rubrics for Nursing Education: Measuring the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice,” by Davis and Kimble, in Journal of Nursing Education (2011)

• INACSL Repository of Instruments Used in Simulation Research website at INACSL respository of instruments

• “A Review of Currently Published Evaluation Instruments for Human Patient Simulation,” by Kardong-Edgren, Adamson, and Fitzgerald, in Clinical Simulation in Nursing (2010)

• “Tools for Direct Observation and Assessment of Clinical Skills,” by Kogan, Holmboe, and Hauer, in Journal of the American Medical Association (2009)

• Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Simulation Evaluation website at QSEN Simulation Evaluation website

• “The Contribution of High-Fidelity Simulation to Nursing Students’ Confidence and Competence,” by Yuan, Williams, and Fang, in International Nursing Review (2012)

III.  Reliability , Validity and Other Considerations

Revisiting the concepts of reliability and validity:


…and more

Reflection Questions:

As simulation educators, what we can do to ensure the validity and reliability of our simulation evaluation tools?

  • What are the psychometric properties of an instrument that will provide us views of its validity and reliability?
  • Examine this tool: CCEI  “Content validity ranged from 3.78 to 3.89 on a four-point Likert-like scale. Cronbach’s alpha was > .90 when used to score three different levels of simulation performance.”
  • Will you consider this tool in assessing your learners’ performance in simulations?
  • How does it compare to similar tools?



Knowledge Check:



This article explains the concepts of reliability and validity of evaluation tools in detail: Validating Assessment Tools in Simulation


Evaluation Activities: Using Creighton Competency Evaluation Instument( C-CEI)

Note the following activities below and Open this website: C-CEI

  • Download the CCEI and the accompanying discussion worksheet
  • Watch the training video
  • Complete C-CEI worksheet to assess performance of learners in this planned simulation activity: Simulation Design: Medical Error
  • Review simulation objectives, look at scenario progression and determine expected behaviors in a) formative evaluation   b) summative evaluation



Additional/Optional Resources:

  1. Evaluation Strategies of SBE in a computer-based environment.


Adamson, K. A., & Kardong-Edgren, S. (2012). A METHOD and Resoueces for ASSESSING the Reliability of Simulation Evaluation Instruments. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League for Nursing)33(5), 334–339. https://doi-org.montgomerycollege.idm.oclc.org/10.5480/1536-5026-33.5.334

McMahon, E. et al. ( 2021). Healthcare Simulations Standards of Best Practice. Evaluation of Learning and Performance. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, (58), 54-56

Jeffries, P. ( 2021). The NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory 2nd Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health.

Palaganas, J.C, Ulrich, B.T &  Mancini, M.E  (2020). Mastering Simulation, Second Edition:  Sigma.

Park, C. & Holtschneider, M. (2019). Evaluating Simulation Education. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 35 (6), 357-359. doi: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000593.

Prion, S., & Haerling, K. A. (2020). Evaluation of Simulation Outcomes. Annual review of nursing research39(1), 149–180. https://doi.org/10.1891/0739-6686.39.149



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The Nurse Educators' Guide to Simulation-Based Education Copyright © 2022 by Raquel Bertiz and Jasline Moreno is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.