
E4: PowerPoint & Terminology

Not only will this exercise let you practice PowerPoint, but it will help you practice finding the right terminology. In the exercise, I often use terminology not common to PowerPoint.

Follow the directions:

  1. Create a new blank PowerPoint slideshow.
  2. Copy a paragraph of text. This text can come from a paper, an article, a wiki article, or whatever. The text itself does not matter.
  3. Find or download any picture in jpg format.
  4. Create a new slide. Create a star and copy the text into it.
  5. Change the border of this box to a .1 inch color gradient line. Also, place more padding around the text.
  6. Fill this text box with the jpeg file. Fade the picture until the text stands out.
  7. Create the outline of a circle, a star, and a square. Fill the circle with an image, fill the star with a gradual wash of three colors, and fill the square with a repeating image.
  8. Create a graphic with three columns and four rows. Make it cover most of the page. Fill each cell with a different photograph, wash of multiple colors, pattern, or texture.
  9. Add three different Webdings. Make them at least one inch high or wide. Make the silhouette of the Webding a pattern with a .02-inch outline.
  10. Add three icons. Make one get larger automatically when viewing the slideshow. Make one spin on its axis automatically. Make one swing in an arc automatically.
  11. Save the file.
  12. Turn the file in, if applicable.