
E6: Master Pages

Master pages are another tool some programs provide for consistency. Programs structured this way tend to have at least two types of pages: master pages and content pages. The master pages are pages you set up as templates or patterns for your content pages. Content pages contain your actual text, data, images, and the like. The master pages provide the structure for each page so that you have consistent layout throughout your document. You can override a master page; however, ideally you want to work with them so that your product can be consistent with much less work on your part.

Some programs only allow you to set up a single master page. Some programs allow you to have multiple master pages. Some programs require very simple master pages, and some require more complicated ones. Whatever the situation, you may want to read how master pages work in your program before attempting to format them.

In this exercise, you will be working with master pages in PowerPoint. PowerPoint has three types of master pages: slide masters, notes masters, and handout masters. You want to make your general changes to the primary slide master. If it is something you want on every page, make that change on this master. A variety of other layout masters for slides allow you to set up common layouts.

I encourage you to take a few minutes and open several new files using different templates. Look over the slide masters on each one. That will help you get a better idea of how masters work. To find the PowerPoint slide masters, look under the View tab.

InDesign will also use masters. I encourage you to search for readings or guides on the master pages in that program.

PowerPoint Exercise

  1. Create a new, blank PowerPoint file.
  2. Create a new color scheme for the presentation using your choice of colors. Name the color scheme using your last name. (hint: view the slide master)
  3. Create a new font scheme for the presentation using your choice of fonts. Name the font scheme using your last name. (hint: view the slide master).
  4. Change the background of all slides to a gradient using at least two colors in your scheme. When you create any new slide, no matter the format, it should automatically have this background. (hint: slide master. Make colors either dark or light, not dark to light.)
  5. Change the text color on all slides. The text should be readable on the gradient. (hint: slide master)
  6. Change the font of the slide title. (hint: slide master)
  7. Add a picture to one corner of the title slide master.
  8. Add text to your PowerPoint on the content pages. Each major topic should be a new slide. You can use any outline text.
  9. Make each slide automatically fade in.
  10. Make each bullet animate using the “blinds” option.
  11. Save the file.
  12. Turn the file in, if applicable.