Lesson Seven: Work Zones (6.7)
A work zone is a protected area set apart for workers to build or repair public roadways and utilities. The area may be designated by cones, signs, lights or vehicles. Even when no worker(s) are present or visible the area continues to be designated as a work zone. There are specific laws in place that govern how vehicles interact with construction workers, vehicles, and equipment within a work zones.
Work zones are divided into four specific areas:
Advance Warning Area
Transition Area
Activity Area
Termination Area
Work Zone
Most people injured or killed in work zone crashes are drivers and their passengers. Rear end collisions are the most common type of work zone crashes.
The two biggest factors in work zone related crashes are _______________________ and _______________________ .
The majority of fatal crashes occur on roads where speed limits are greater than 50 mph. Over 40% of work zone crashes happen in the transition area before the activity area.
Workers, vehicles, or equipment may enter your lane without warning and other traffic may slow, stop, or change lanes unexpectedly.
In a work zone, expect delays, be patient, and allow others to merge in front of you. Always follow the flaggers’ instructions. Obey posted speed limits regardless if the work zone is occupied or not. Remember: orange speed limit signs are regulatory. Fines are doubled.
What actions can you take to reduce the risk of work zones?
Essential Question
How do you interact lawfully, safely, and courteously in a work zone?