
Lesson Three: Traffic Stops (9.3)

Police officers are responsible for maintaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities. They enforce traffic safety laws and issue tickets to drivers who violate those laws.

Failure to follow laws can result in being pulled over by law enforcement.  This is called a traffic stop. If you are pulled over show the officer respect even if you disagree with the reason for the stop or the citation. You can make the situation worse by giving excuses, being hostile, not speaking, or challenging the officer.

If you are pulled over, follow the same procedure for performing a lane change as you pull to the side of the road or another safe location.  Turn your vehicle off and remain inside  the vehicle.  The Police Officer will ask for your driver license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. The law states that these documents must be produced upon a Police Officer’s request.

All traffic stops do not result in a citation being issued.

 Traffic Stop Education

Essential Questions

  • When interacting with police officers, what are the necessary:

    • Responses-

    • Responsibilities-

    • Potential consequences –




Oregon Risk Prevention Curriculum - Playbook R3 Copyright © 2022 by Western Oregon University. All Rights Reserved.