
Lesson Five: Precision Turns (2.5)


Three of the riskiest driving behaviors are hard acceleration, hard braking, and too much steering input. Failing to control the balance of the vehicle can result in a crash. A precision turn is placing your vehicle accurately in the roadway before, during, and after turning.


Approaching a Right Turn

Signal at least 5 seconds ahead, check rear, apply the brake early. The correct positioning for a right turn without a bike lane is side position 3.  When a bike lane is present, use lane position 3. Before moving, check the blind spot.

Stopped Right Turn

Check rear, stop smoothly.  Search the intersection, look to target, turn wheel at the forward position, at the transition point (inside rearview mirror) pivot from the brake to the accelerator, begin to straighten the wheel, and use smooth steady acceleration. Check the front and rear.

Moving Right Turn

Search the intersection, check rear, smooth steady brake, look to target, turn wheel, trail brake, at the transition point (inside rearview mirror) pivot from the brake to the accelerator, begin to straighten the wheel, and use smooth steady acceleration. Check the front and rear.

Approaching a Left Turn

Signal at least 5 seconds ahead, check rear, and apply the brake early. The correct positioning for a left turn is lane position 2. When oncoming traffic is present, use lane position 1. Before moving, check the blind spot.

Stopped Left Turn

Check rear, stop smoothly.  Keep the wheels straight until you are ready to turn. Search the intersection, look to target, turn the wheel when you can see the target without looking across the curb, at the transition point (left corner post) pivot from the brake to the  accelerator, begin to straighten the wheel, and use smooth steady acceleration. Check the front and rear.

While waiting to turn left- Keep your wheels straight until you are initiating the turn.

Moving Left Turn

Search the intersection, check rear, smooth steady brake. Keep the wheels straight until you are ready to turn. Look to the target, turn the wheel, trail brake, and at the transition point (left corner post) pivot from the brake to the accelerator. Begin to straighten the wheel and press the accelerator in a smooth and steady manner.  Lastly, check the front and rear.

Precision Turns
 Yikes! Turn Discussion 

Essential Questions

  • When do you begin turning the wheel for a right turn?

  • What is the transition point for a left turn?

  • What is the correct side position for a right turn when no bike lane is present?



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