
YC Writing Resources

Dr. Karen Palmer

Yavapai College offers several resources for students who need additional help with their writing.

The Academic Learning Center

The Yavapai College Learning Center supports students by offering tutoring in many different areas, as well as other services. 15-20 minute drop in tutoring sessions are available, as well as an online tutoring service where students can submit papers for tutor feedback. This service has a 48 hour turnaround time.

Visit the Learning Center Button

The Writing Lab

Writing Lab LogoThe Yavapai College Writing Lab was created in 2019 by Dr. Karen Palmer and Dr. Sandi Van Lieu to meet the needs of students at Yavapai College. The Writing Lab is staffed by peer tutors who have completed both ENG 101 and 102 and have demonstrated an excellent ability to write well and to provide strong feedback to their peers.

The Writing Lab offers 30 and 60 minute tutoring sessions, in which our tutors will assist students with any stage of the writing process, including editing.

Make an Appointment at the Lab Button


Grammarly is an online writing assistant. You can upload your papers directly to Grammarly or install it on your browsers or in Word. Grammarly then checks your writing for you, giving you explanations for errors so that you can make good choices about your corrections.

YC offers the Premium version of Grammarly FREE for all students.

Sign up for grammarly. Make sure to use your YC email and create a new password – don’t use your YC account password! Check your YC inbox for instructions once you create your account.

The YC Library

The YC Library is often the best place to begin your research. Not only does the library have many physical texts, but the digital resources in the Library Databases give students access to thousands of credible sources with just a few clicks. In addition, the library offers many services for students, including lessons on using the databases. The librarians are available to assist students with their research via e-mail, chat, and in person.



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The RoughWriter's Guide Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Karen Palmer and Dr. Sandi Van Lieu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.