
IM- Turnaround Maneuvers (4.5)

To-Do Content/Student Playbook Page: 48     (30 Minute Lesson)
Introduce Lesson Five and motivate students
As a class discussion or breaking students into smaller groups, write what you should consider before choosing a location to make a turnaround maneuver and share results

  • Amount of space available to complete the maneuver
  • No path or vision restrictions
  • Is the maneuver legal in this area?

Turnaround Maneuvers PPT


Slide 3: U-Turns Video

Slide 5: Right Side Turnaround

Slide 8: Left Side Turnaround

Slide 11: 3-Point Turnaround


Remember to emphasize that turnaround maneuvers need to be completed with the least amount of space as possible

Ask students to answer the Essential Questions in the space provided and conduct a group discussion on each


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