
IM- Communication (2.4)

To-Do Content/Student Playbook Page: 22 & 23      (20 Minute Lesson)
Introduce Lesson Four and motivate students
Group Discussion-  options for communicating to other drivers.

Emphasize the importance of timely communications (not too early or too late)

Communications PPT

Slide 1:  Communication Video- Which car had good communication and which car had poor communication and why?

  • Car 1: Good- Correct use of turn signal
  • Car 2: Bad- Incorrect use of turn signal, inefficient following distance

Slide 16: How does the vehicle communicate?

  • Lane position
  • Speed
  • Turn signals
  • Brake lights
  • Reverse lights
Have each student perform the hand signals we have for communication options and label each in their Playbook

  • Right turn, left turn, stop or decreasing speed
Ask students to answer the Essential Questions in the space provided and conduct a group discussion on each.


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