
Chapter 7 Lesson Plan

Connection to Oregon Curriculum Content Standards Key Terms & Concepts Content Notes & Activities

5.1- The student enrolled in a certified driver education program will be able to successfully demonstrate the key core behavioral patterns while performing the recommended procedures on a designated assessment route

8.1- Roadway and traffic flow situations on limited access roadways and roadways without limited access at maximum highway speeds

8.2- Space management situations on limited access roadways and roadways without limited access at maximum highway speeds

8.3- Merging, speed control, lane selection, and exiting situations on limited access roadways at maximum highway speeds

8.4- Gap selection, communication, speed control, and lane selection during passing situations on limited access roadways at maximum highway speeds

10.1- Recognize how adverse weather conditions can impact or affect visibility and traction problems and respond by adjusting speed to meet the ability to steer and stop the vehicle within the limits of the conditions as presented

10.2- Recognize how adverse weather conditions creates visibility and traction problems and the effect on space management skills concerning speed and position adjustments

10.3- Recognize how night driving creates a visibility problem and how this affects space management concerning speed and position adjustments

C 7.5- Identify and comply with planned passing situations on limited access roadways and roadways without limited access at speeds up to 55 mph

C 8.1- Identify and comply with roadway and traffic flow situations on limited access roadways and roadways without limited access at maximum highway speeds

IC 2.2- Searching Intended Travel Path- The student utilizes critical thinking, decision- making, and problem-solving skills to operate the vehicle and perform basic maneuvers in controlled risk environments









Vehicle Balance






























Chapter 7 Content Notes

Chapter 7 Activities






























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