
Lesson Three: Freeway Driving (7.3)

Limited Access Highways

A limited access highway (freeway) is a roadway with higher speed, multiple lanes that can only be accessed by controlled on ramps or interchanges.

What makes freeways different from driving in the city? List the characteristics below.


Signs provide information so that you can make decisions before entering a space. What information is communicated in the picture above?


Some entrance ramps have signals. How do these signals help manage traffic?

Roadway Markings

The roadway markings that you are familiar with also apply to freeways. The color and pattern of the markings provide valuable information for drivers.

Entering the Freeway

When entering a limited access freeway be aware of signs, signals, and traffic on the on-ramp.  The on-ramp is the entrance to the freeway where you start matching speed with the freeway traffic and search for a gap to merge.

Driving on the Freeway

Once you have entered the freeway choose the correct travel lane, adjust your speed, and following distance. Maintain at least 6 seconds of following distance while on the highway.  Search ahead for on-ramps and traffic entering. Sometimes adjustments are necessary to allow vehicles onto the highway, as a courtesy.  When changing lanes. search multiple spaces around your vehicle for other vehicles moving at the same time and into the same lane. Maintain open side spaces as much as possible. Be aware of slowing or stopped traffic.



Describe the purpose of each lane.

  • Right:

  • Center:

  • Left:

Exiting the Freeway

When exiting a freeway, search ahead and identify your exit, the condition of the off-ramp and move to the correct exit lane early.  Maintain your speed until you are on the off-ramp, unless the situation dictates otherwise. All off-ramps are different and may require different responses.

What are some clues that an exit is nearby?


Essential Questions

  • What are the characteristics of a limited access highway?



  • What are the correct procedures and space management principles used while entering, navigating, and exiting limited access highways?







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