Dr Orna Farrell is Assistant Professor specialising in online and blended education in Dublin City University (DCU). Orna holds a PhD in Education from Trinity College Dublin. Currently, Orna leads the Digital

Learning Design Unit, created to support DCU’s pivot to hybrid learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Previously, she was Chair of the DCU Connected Online Humanities programmes for four years. Working within DCU’s National Institute for Digital Learning. Orna’s research interests include online pedagogy, online student success and engagement, eportfolio and open educational practice. She has a growing publication record in her fields of interest, including a range of book chapters, journal articles, invited presentations and conference papers. She has published in high ranking journals such as Distance Education, the Journal of Interactive Media in Education, Research in Learning Technology, and the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Dr Farrell was principal investigator of the recent National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education funded project #Openteach: professional development for open online educators.
You can contact Orna: orna.farrell@dcu.ie or on Twitter @orna_farrell
Dr James Brunton is Assistant Professor and Programme Chair of the DCU Connected Psychology Major programme at Dublin City University, which is an online, open education programme accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). James is a Chartered Psychologist (C. Psychol., Ps.S.I.; C. Work & Org. Psychol. Ps.S.I.; CPsychol BPS) and an EDEN (European Distance Education Network) Fellow.
Working within DCU’s National Institute for Digital Learning James’ research interests include the psychology of identity formation, socialisation/orientation processes for ‘off-campus’ higher education students, online learning design, open pedagogy, and digital assessment. James is available to supervise doctoral students in any of these areas of research interest. James is currently the principal investigator/DCU principal investigator on a number of locally and EU funded projects, including the Opengame (Promoting Open Education through Gamification) project and BUKA (Advancing Equity and Access to Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning) project. James is a member of the editorial team for the open access journal, Research in Learning Technology. James’ research has been published in journals such as Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, Open Praxis, Educational Media International, and Studies in Higher Education, and he is a member of the editorial team for the open access journal, Research in Learning Technology.
Dr Caitríona Ní Shé is currently working in Trinity College Dublin as an Academic Developer. In her previous role she worked on the National Forum’s Professional Development of All Those Who Teach priority. Caitríona has worked on a number of online teaching and technology enhanced learning projects including the #Openteach (online teaching) and the Assessment for Learning (Mathematics resources) projects. In addition, she has worked in a variety of roles across the higher education sector both in supporting academics enhance their teaching skills and students achieve their learning goals. Caitríona worked previously on the first iteration of the PACT short course and is now, along with the National Forum team, supporting the roll out of the Open Courses platform across the sector.
Dr Eamon Costello is Head of Open Education Unit at Dublin City University. Dr Costello holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature (I) and History (II.I) from Trinity College Dublin, a higher Diploma (Distinction) in Computer Science from University College Dublin, an MSc (I) in Software and Information Systems from National University of Ireland Galway and a Doctorate from Trinity College Dublin. His Doctoral study analysed the implications of massively distributed collaborative development processes for education and educational technology and focused on the community of the Open Source VLE Moodle. Eamons research interests include Open and Distance Learning, Educational Technology including Virtual and Personal Learning Environments. Computing Education. Open Source Software in Education. MOOCs. eAssessment. HCI Design. Eamon also helps to coordinate the
Digital Learning Research Network which includes over 50 staff with research interests, and range of
scholarly outputs, in this area. His
Doctoral study analysed the implications of massively distributed collaborative development processes for education and educational technology and focused on the community of the Open Source VLE Moodle.